We draw on the right network of capital markets and communications experts.

The accelerating pace of the modern world means businesses are facing more complex challenges and risks than ever before. To navigate these challenges successfully and get the most from any opportunities which

arise, it is critical that companies have targeted stakeholder communications strategies in place to gather the support they need from investors and other key stakeholders.

About us

We draw on the right network of capital markets and communications experts.

The accelerating pace of the modern world means businesses are facing more complex challenges and risks than ever before.

To navigate these challenges successfully and get the most from any opportunities which arise, it is critical that companies have targeted stakeholder communications strategies in place to gather the support they need from investors and other key stakeholders.

About us

What we do

We offer bespoke communications solutions devised from a holistic suite of services, drawing on the right network of capital markets and communications professionals to suit our clients’ needs. We work with our clients to communicate their investment case and equity story in a maximally impactful way, cutting through the noise to achieve the desired results and support their strategic objectives.

If you’re looking for help with a particular investor relations or communications issue then we’d love to hear from you to discuss the particular challenges that you are facing and how we can help you solve them.

Investor relations

Combining our deep sector knowledge and capital markets experience, we help our clients tell a convincing equity story to the market. This ensures that key stakeholders, including current and prospective investors, the wider financial community, and employees understand and appreciate the investment case.

We tailor our approach to your company’s specific needs to optimise your investor relations strategy. We focus on developing a clear and compelling investment proposition with the right content and key messaging and use the proper channels of communication to increase your engagement with investors and analysts, ensuring they understand and appreciate your equity story.

We work flexibly – from working alongside in-house investor relations teams, on a project basis or operating as a fully outsourced investor relations department, freeing-up our clients’ time to concentrate on running their businesses.

Crafting and articulating a clear and compelling investment proposition is absolutely fundamental to successful investor engagement.

No matter where you are at with the development of your investment proposition we can add value. This process entails analysing your current investment case, current and prior messaging, USP, peers and current industry dynamics.

We will use the results to develop key messages to build up your equity story in a way that resonates with stakeholders, and is attractive to the right kind of investors for your company.

We are capable of managing all aspects of your financial calendar ensuring that investors, analysts and financial media never miss a beat.

From crafting results announcements, including the writing of press releases, development of key messages, presentations and scripts, to the management of the analysts’ call and analysis of market reactions.

Our service guarantees clear and accurate receipt and interpretation of your key messages and results by your most important stakeholders.

Engaging properly with analysts is key to ensuring they understand your investment proposition and are more likely to support it. We can use a range of tools to engage with analysts, including conference calls and direct outreach.

Our advice helps with the management of analyst consensus, analysts research notes, and forecasts to accurately reflect a company’s prospects. We are able to analyse market expectations and actively engage with the sell-side to ensure their understanding, handle mis-evaluations, and formulate the right path to manage investor sentiment.

Capital market days can be showpiece investor events. Great capital markets days can be used to highlight a company’s key achievements, showcase senior management and reflect on the company’s prospects and outlook to investors and analysts.

We have a great deal of experience running successful capital markets days. We can project manage investor days including development of all relevant material including invitations, presentations, videos, speaker notes and feedback surveys. We ensure the event runs smoothly and that key investor takeaways are gathered, to inform future direction of travel.

Roadshows are powerful tools in the investor relations arsenal. They can build a company’s profile, communicating its investment proposition to more prospective shareholders.

Our experience extends to the organisation and execution of successful roadshows, including developing the appropriate material for the events, including the itinerary, presentations, Q&A book, facilitation of meetings and feedback surveys. Successfully executed roadshows will optimise a company’s share register, and help attract and secure additional investment.

Key transactions, such as IPOs, mergers and new share issues can be some of the most seminal events in a company’s life span. We have experience running these events, managing the process and all stakeholders involved, and offering strategic advice and support, to ensure an optimum outcome from any deal is reached.

Financial communications

While there are a raft of regulations governing financial communications and reporting, these regulatory documents can be vital showpiece communications opportunities. Our purpose is to help businesses use these to engage with a broader range of stakeholders and demonstrate best practices and wider value creation to their audiences.

We use a full range of digital and print communication tools to broaden your reach to key stakeholders. We focus on compelling and engaging digital storytelling to increase your share of voice and clearly deliver your key messages so they are understood by the audiences that matter. Print communications, like Annual Reports, are essential cornerstones of financial communication. Beyond reporting the numbers, they offer vital opportunities to convey key strategic messages, performance overviews, and increasingly important non-financial ESG metrics.

We can manage the annual report process, providing advice and strategic direction to narrate the corporate story clearly whilst ensuring you abide by established reporting frameworks, integrating ESG principles.

As regulatory pressures and demands in financial reporting have increased, annual reports have become more vital in communicating the equity story, building credibility, and showing accountability and transparency in disclosures.

We can advise on aligning your corporate reporting to the latest international best practice frameworks and standards, ensuring the non-financial ESG narratives match up to the financial disclosure. We are able to manage the end-to-end development of annual reports to make an impact on your corporate image, deliver a compelling story, and demonstrate wider value creation beyond profit for shareholders.

Digital communication is pivotal in joining up stakeholders. Combined with reporting and other corporate collateral, it ties together your story in a more compelling way, bringing it to life for a broader stakeholder base.

We can help with the development of bespoke, engaging, informative websites that attract and engage key audiences, and reflect a business’ key strengths. This includes full content management support and design and development of website infrastructure, whether your site needs a small design uplift or a complete site revamp.

Social media is a powerful tool for allowing businesses to connect with new audiences and stakeholder groups in meaningful two-way interactions.

Our expertise extends to developing bespoke social media strategies, centered around financial communications, using relevant and informative content to post and engage across different social media channels to build trust, credibility, and reputation among your audiences.


Having access to high quality insights and market research is critical to building a successful investor relations strategy. We give our clients the knowledge of market trends and an understanding of their competitive landscape to help them succeed.

Market data and research are fundamental to supporting an investor relations strategy. Insights help shape financial communications by refining the investor relations strategy, providing a clear view of how your company stacks up, stay on top of market trends to finesse your strategy, and set a platform for optimising your shareholder register.

We work with independent analysts to provide fresh perspective, and help our clients understand the critical drivers of their equity story, and optimise their valuations.

We review your existing shareholder base, your direct peer group and companies with similar metrics to identify potential new investors and communicate your investment case and prospects.

Market dynamics and trends reporting is vital, helping to support the strategic approach, identifying untapped markets and new business opportunities.

Following up on the developments and performance of competitors consistently is a proven tool for senior management to help them make informed decisions and explain their investment proposition and long-term strategy to investors.

Developing a solid and effective IR strategy begins by understanding market perceptions. In this way, a company builds on its weaknesses and identify the right opportunities to evolve its communication and stakeholder engagement.


An independent assessment of valuation helps corporates to understand the critical drivers of their businesses. We help companies understand their essential issues of valuation that lead to informed investment decisions and better risk management.


In our research analysis, we help raise awareness in the investment community and make clear the critical drivers of the business, valuations, prospects and forecasts. We don’t rate our research or provide any recommendations, but we include the valuation.

We produce research analysis reports to ensure that when companies reach out to new fund managers, they have a current analysis note and detailed research to give them a good overview of the business. We aspire for regular quarterly coverage, as fund managers coming to a new stock will often focus on analysts who have written on the stock recently. With over 15 years of experience in equity analysis, we have a reputation of producing high-quality research.We also provide research solutions to issuers that are going through an IPO.


With ESG assets now accounting for over a third of all global assets under management and growing fast, it is becoming increasingly vital for companies to embrace these principles, not just to appeal to changing investor sentiments, but to demonstrate the company is fundamentally well run and aligned to the best interests of a broad range of stakeholders.

Integrating ESG principles across every level of a business is a journey, one which we are able to add value to at every stage of the process, no matter what stage you are at.

Setting the scene

  • Aligning your purpose and value with your sustainability initiatives
  • Introduce ESG principles through workshops
  • Materiality assessment to identify the most relevant issues
  • Develop initial ESG communications content

Taking you to the next level

  • Evaluate your materiality assessments to ensure that the issues that matter most are reflected in your strategy, business model and purpose
  • Advise on the development of separate ESG strategy, with measurable goals and targets referencing science-based targets
  • Standalone ESG reporting
  • Providing guidance on the adoption of relevant sustainability reporting frameworks and standards
  • Initial engagement with ESG rating agencies
  • Research studies on peer group ESG reports and best practices in financial reporting

Becoming a thought leader

  • Integrated annual report development and clear articulation of how ESG principles are embedded across the business
  • ESG investor perception studies
  • ESG communication plan and development of a website page
  • Identify reporting gaps and advise on long-term alignment with best practices
  • Workshops to progress internal IR and ESG comms

Ongoing ESG advice

  • Demonstrating long term value creation by evolving and communicating the ESG strategy
  • ESG investor events and development of presentations
  • Ongoing digital communication strategy and campaigns (strategy and activation)
  • Ongoing engagement with ESG rating agencies

Brand communications

A brand is not just a logo – it is a combination of all the experiences people have when they engage with a company.

Are your stakeholders experiencing a suitable level of engagement with your brand, or can it work harder to help you drive your business ambition?

We have combined our deep knowledge of investor relations and the capital markets, with Invicomm, a best in class integrated corporate communications agency, delivering a holistic communications service package, to create memorable communications across print and digital channels.

A unique mix of strategists, communication specialists, thinkers, designers, developers and film makers provide an integrated approach to stakeholder engagement.

Find out more: www.invicomm.com

  • Employee engagement strategy and campaigns
  • Stakeholder relations
  • Content development
  • Annual and sustainability reporting
  • Brand identity
  • Brand toolkits
  • Purpose culture values
  • Corporate campaigns
  • Reporting
  • Digital
  • Financial communications